Fuels Reduction Application
The deadline to submit this application has closed.
Pleasants Valley Fire Safe Council has been awarded a $15,000 grant from the California Fire Foundation for hazardous fuels reduction in the 0-5ft zone around homes within the PVFSC area.
Grant Usage Process:
Complete the below application
Submit the Hold Harmless Agreement
PVFSC board members will preview the property, note necessary work and take before and after photos of the project for use in the grant requirement
Work will be completed by a licensed, insured team provided by PVFSC
Scope of work may include shrub removals, plants, weed abatement, small caliper tree removal less than 8ft. tall, possible pruning of nearby tree branches encroaching in the 0-5 zone (up to eight feet)
Complete the following form to apply to for the Hazardous Fuels Reduction Grant usage. This grant requires no financial contribution from the property owners.
Applications must be submitted by Friday, March 14, 2025 at 6pm.